Renowned photographer Tomo Muscionico has been named as the official CULT925 photographer for the Americals
Tomas MuscionicoNew York, USA Swiss born Tomas Muscionico has earned numerous photography awards including the World Press Award. He has spent the last six years traveling to over 10 countries covering human rights issues and social concerns within and around historical climates.
His colleague Andrian Kreye wrote about him: „Tomas knows how to get intimate with history. To not only document, but to search for the soul of the object. Paying his dues in the Gulf War, the siege of Grozny or the civil strife of Haiti, he knows very well how to capture the drama of a moment. During his three month coverage of the South African presidential elections in 1994 he was present when right wing militants were summarily executed by local militia men. But the real quality of Tomas Muscionico’s work comes when he is moving in. Literally. He closely followed the rise of important world leaders like Vaclav Havel, Nelson Mandela and Bill Clinton over the course of months, which earned him both the Cultural Prize of the City of Prague and large magazine spreads that brought these distant figures to a life no TV camera or news shot could ever capture. He lived with a street gang on the Navajo reservation in Arizona, climbed the Andes with the descendants of the Inkas to capture a Condor for a religious ceremony or escaped Burmese army patrols with hill tribe rebels.“
Dedication has played an important part in his photography and has been rewarded professionally by The World Press Photo Foundation in 1991, for a story detailing Vaclav Havel’s rise from dissident playwright to president of Czechoslovakia. His work has appeared in Time, Newsweek, Fortune, and The New York Times Magazine in the U.S., Lo Specchio and Sette in Italy, The Independent in the U.K., Der Stern, Spiegel and Geo in Germany, Liberation, L’Express, and Paris-Match in France, and Das Magazin and NZZ in his native Switzerland.
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